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Biological Medicine: The Latest from Dietrich Klinghardt

Writer's picture: Patricia LemerPatricia Lemer

Updated: Aug 3, 2024

I just spent three days in New York glued to every word from my favorite genius, Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD .  My head is spinning!  I want to shout his knowledge from the top of every mountain and have it echo across the world.  Instead, I will have to depend upon the magic of the Internet and cyberspace to get the word out.  Here are some of the highlights bursting from my brain in no particular order.

  1. Electro-smog – My daughter says I am obsessed with the dangers of electro-magnetic fields, and maybe I am.  Listening to Dietrich and Magda Havas, PhD, a Canadian expert on the subject, is chilling.  The biological effects of electromagnetic pollution are only beginning to be understood.  With exposures escalating at exponential rates, electro-smog is being associated with an increasing number of diseases and conditions. 

Electro-smog refers to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radio frequency radiation (RFR) generated by our use of electricity and wireless devices.  It includes High frequency radiation from microwaves, cellular phones and wireless, Intermediate frequencies from “dirty electricity” emanating from transformers, fluorescent lighting, computers and plasma televisions and Low frequency fields from computers, copiers, clock radios and electric heaters. 

Here’s a couple of gems that I gleaned:  1. The keyboards of laptop computers send dangerous radiation into your hands!  Solution: Attach an external keyboard.  2.  Exercising on a treadmill raises blood sugar markedly because of the EMFs!  Solution:  Exercise out-of-doors.  3. Compact fluorescent light bulbs give off high levels of EMFs!  Solution:  Stock up on incandescent bulbs or change to LEDs. 4. Teachers in “hot rooms” in schools (computer labs especially) took far more “sick” days than other teachers!  Solution:  Get out of computer labs!

General solution:  Buy a Gauss meter and take measurements of EMFs at home and school.  Purchase filters for electrical outlets that block dirty electricity.  Remove all computers, plasma TVs and wireless phones from the bedroom.  For more information on this important subject, go to and

  1. PANS is the new name for PANDAS – What used to be known as PANDAs for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder associated with Strep has been shortened to PANS for Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome because bugs in addition to strep are causing the same obsessive-compulsive symptoms.  See Scientific American February 2, 2012.  Lyme and Mycoplasma bacteria, Epstein Barr Virus, and bartonella (the bug that causes “cat scratch” disease) are just a few that have been added to the list of infectious triggers.

  2. Tonsils: “the Achilles heel of the human condition” – The big news is what Klinghardt brings to the PANS discussion.  He believes that these bugs live in the infected tonsils of their human hosts, and he has designed a very complex treatment including injecting them, with procaine and ozone, gargling with a fermented product rich in biofilm-dissolving enzymes, and, as a last resort removing them with cryotherapy (burning them off) so they will regenerate.  Read about this procedure in an article from the DDR newsletter.

  3. Cats do not belong in the home – I am a cat lover.  My 18-year-old Tussy Pat decided not relocate from Maryland to Pittsburgh two weeks before my move, and I have not replaced her.  After listening to the dangers of having a cat in the house from Dietrich, I’m actually happy I made that decision.  He believes that bartonella is one of many critters that prefer humans to their feline hosts.  The bugs jump and the whole family gets sick.  Solution:  Not cats on the bed or sofa.  They belong outside where they can catch mice, their reason for existence!   Is your cat making YOU sick?  Read this new article in the Atlantic.

  4. Doctor your water – We’ve all heard that we are supposed to drive eight glasses of water a day.  Any water?  Absolutely not, according to Klinghardt!  Tap water needs to be treated by reverse osmosis to remove fluoride.  Also add electrolytes and minerals.  Good hydration is an essential foundation for the kidneys BEFORE starting any detoxification program. Klinghardt also believes that dehydration can lead to mitochondrial disorders by slowing down the speed of electrical impluses.

  5. Sleep safely – Along with good hydration, a safe sleeping environment are the two most important factors for health.  In addition to removing all EMFs from the bedroom (see above), he puts suggests a sleep “cocktail” made up of tryptophan, 5HTP and lithium oratate for all his patients.  For those with severe insomnia he also recommends the use of a cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) machine for 20 minutes between dinner and bedtime.  Stimulation is applied through electrodes placed on the ears.  The efficacy and safety of CES therapy is supported by many studies in the US and in the former Soviet Union where it was developed in the 1950’s. A doctor’s prescription for its use for sleep disorders is required.

  6. Parasite testing – As I discovered personally, stool testing for parasites is notoriously unreliable.  Klinghardt helped me understand why.  The live bugs rarely come out, and if they do, they secrete a film that within 15 minutes makes them invisible!  Only “fresh” poop can show parasites, so either buy a high-powered microscope or go to a lab that is prepared to whisk the stool sample away immediately and test it.  Forget those which require freezing and mailing.

  7. New Homeopathics – Dietrich has formulated some new remedies that are prepared in a special energetic matrix of sacred water, natural amino acids, minerals and vitamins.  The frequencies of the peptides and remedies are imprinted energetically, using a newly developed laser/electromagnetic technology from Europe.  These homepathics are far less expensive than other treatments for resolving autoimmunity issues, treating co-infections of Lyme, and assisting with the transport and elimination of heavy metals.  Order from

  8. Activated Charcoal depletes Vitamin C – This oft-used “harmless” product should be replaced by MicroSilica, which not only absorbs excess water in uncontrollable diarrhea, but also activates detoxification enzymes.

These are only a few of the many pearls I gleaned from my three days in New York.  If you are interested in more, I strongly recommend purchasing the proceedings, which will be available in April from the Klinghardt Academy,  Better yet, go to one of Dietrich’s  upcoming trainings and experience his magic yourself.

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